Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Holiday

With the holidays quickly approaching, the economy still struggling and many company incentives getting cut. It is easy to say the pressure is on and there are people still trying to deliver a wonderful holiday cheer, but deep inside also wonder how they'll ever even pull it off.

Holiday planning usually begins during Halloween, and soon after the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations start coming up. This year it was a bit off, but some tried to continue the normal pattern as one holiday slowly crept by and another immediately followed.

At this point I can't even believe another year will soon end and the struggle to maintain your home, keep your job and avoid a lay-off, or the fact many businesses are still struggling to keep their doors open is not only disappointing but horrendous.

Besides the downfalls we still try to keep our spirits up and hope along with those that are in jeopardy that they do get a better start. In the meantime, if you are one who enjoys the holidays keep it going. Keep it simple, and remember the most important thing is having a healthy, loving family that is there to support you and lift you when you happen to fall.

It is not right to let your troubles get the best of you, and this doesn't ring more true if you happen to be one with children. Togetherness is the best alternative and coming together with family is simply a joy no one can ever deny. So this holiday season enjoy, be merry and be safe.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Divorce Woes

This poem is dedicated to the men and women who feel somewhat trapped, and see no other way out. Please understand that it was written for someone who had done everything imaginable to save their own marriage, yet still failed miserably and refused to stay stuck. It is in no way meant for you to take it literally, but just focus on the despair of one marriage gone bad.

I do Set You Free


There are many of us that suffer from one addiction or another on a daily basis. How we choose to deal with these addictions differ and many loved ones are left with doubt and resentment due to fear of the abuse continuing, and or basically never ending. Of the many addictions we shall cover the sex addict is the main focus in this piece, and I hope that if you are one or know of one that you share this with them and maybe somehow give them the support needed to overcome it. Please do continue to link provided...

Addicted to Sex

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veteran's Day Tribute

To all our men and women serving our country I want to say thank you for helping us maintain our freedom. You are all truly a class act and shall be acknowledged and rewarded every day of your lives. May God bless you and bring you home safely, and for those about to be deployed I wish the same.

Happy Veteran's Day 2009

Monday, November 09, 2009

To Discipline or to Yell

Many parents now a days turn to another form of abuse in order to stay clear of the physical. Most of us may not like to admit it, but when we yell at our children it is to some extent abuse due to the fact that words hurt, and once one begins the process of yelling the words can be a lot hurtful than anticipated. The child tends to shy away from you to avoid contact or even worse result to yelling themselves since they now think its the norm.

Yelling although difficult at times must be laid to rest. We all know how frustrating life can be, and how easy it is to take out such frustrations on those who are close to us, and then there's also the possibility your child may be more than you can handle with tantrums and disobedience, but yelling just like physical abuse can be prevented if you try.

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